Team Member

Sandeep Malik

Vice President

Sandeep Malik brings a wealth of diverse expertise to our management team. With a strong foundation laid at at companies like JP Morgan Chase, Huthcinson 3 Global Services and Just Dial (US), Sandeep seamlessly balanced work and studies. His entrepreneurial journey began in 2012 with a funded startup, tapping into India's adventure tourism potential. Over the past eight years, Sandeep established a successful marketing agency, collaborating with renowned brands. Simultaneously, he played a pivotal role as a business and branding consultant, contributing to the success of multiple startups. His versatile experience extends to various geopolitical campaigns where he has worked exclusively around various organisation and think tanks, demonstrating strategic acumen. Sandeep has also served in leadership roles within multinational corporations, showcasing his dynamic skills as a Marketing Head and Director. With a proven track record of innovation and success across various industries, Sandeep Malik is a valuable asset to our management team, embodying a strategic vision and entrepreneurial spirit that aligns seamlessly with our company's objectives.